Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bob Chapman "The International Forecaster" with Dr. Stan on The Liberty Radio 6-21-10

WTO will collapse says Bob Chapman
"All the central banks involved are broke or virtually broke. If they are not broke why is their condition a big secret? The Bundesbank told Spain last week that we do not want stress test results made public. The reason obviously was because of the sad condition German banks are in and their penchant again to keep everything secret. These are the same people who want a one-world currency in the form of an SDR, which is worthless, because it has no backing. It is just another fiat currency. They all are in such bad shape they cannot even sterilize their interventions. The new trillions we see in the system in Europe and the US cannot be sterilized." From The International Forecaster of 23 june 2010

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