Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold & Silver + An Excerpt From The International Forecaster

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold & Silver

The Fed Participates In The Destruction Of The Economy
A weekly excerpt from the subscription issue of The International Forecaster, taken from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
July 21 2010: Fed rewarded for destruction of the economy, token injections of cash into the system, liquidation racket is destruction, Cap and Trade another tax, devaluation will destroy the system.

The miscreants in Congress have just passed their version of so-called financial reform, which they euphemistically call financial regulation legislation, which when signed by our peerless leader, will set up the Federal Reserve as a totalitarian monstrosity with absolute control over our financial system as a reward for the Fed's intentional destruction of our economy.

Now mind you, the Federal Reserve, which Congress has now put in charge of our entire financial system, is the privately owned, and largely foreign owned, central bank of the US which has always operated, and which continues to operate, in total secrecy, and with zero accountability. So, after the Fed destroyed our economy with malice aforethought, it certainly must have made perfect sense to the apparent morons and village idiots in Congress to put the Fed completely in charge. That way, we won't have the slightest clue about what is being done to our financial system, which the Fed will regulate in total secrecy, with the usual zero accountability, and with input from the Fed's foreign owners who will have a say over our economy and our financial system from behind the scenes. Who could possibly argue with such logic? You just can't make this stuff up! Obviously, our Congress are not idiots, as they know exactly what they are doing. After all, what would you expect from a bunch of corrupt Illuminist marionettes who are either on the take, who are compromised by the skeletons in their closet, or both.

To summarize what has just happened in more colorful terms, our Congress Critters, in their utterly profound wisdom (corruption), under the guise of financial reform (the creation of a financial monopoly), have set the Fed up at the top of the financial food chain, like a great white shark looking over a large school of tasty fish (other banks, and also many other financial institutions like investment banks, insurance companies, hedge funds, pension funds, brokerage firms, commodity firms, etc., aka "non-bank financial companies," aka the competition). The proposed Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), which is little more than a bunch of Illuminist marionettes like our Congress, will make all the new rules and regulations for the Fed to lord it over all the other financial institutions in our economy. In reality, the Fed will write all the rules and hand them to the FSOC for rubber-stamping.

Then we have the proposed Office of Financial Research, which will be set up as the new financial Gestapo, gathering information about all the problems being experienced by banks and non-bank financial companies alike so that this information can be used against them in order to eliminate them from competition, to liquidate them among the larger institutions for pennies on the dollar, and to provide juicy tidbits of insider trading information for the fun and profitability of Fed cronies. Picture pieces of meat being fed to a school of hungry piranhas if you would like an appropriate metaphor.

Did you ever wonder why the Fed keeps doling out loans to their crony legacy banks that are parked at favorable rates of interest with the Fed instead of being loaned out into the general economy to help fuel the recovery, so-called. Is it to shore up the financial reports of the zombie banks? Nothing could shore up their financial reports except blatant lies about their assets by using mark-to-model fantasy values instead of mark-to-model reality values. This is just the token excuse given for this free ride gift from the Fed to the Illuminist legacy banks. The real reasons for this storehouse of sterilized money are quite different, and are multi-faceted.

First, this is one of the chief methods that the Illuminists are using to impoverish pensioners and savers while enriching the Illuminist banks at taxpayer expense by giving them a spread (return on the money they borrow from the Fed, at near zero interest, and then park with the Fed, at 3%, no-risk interest), thereby keeping their zero interest loan money out of the general economy, which they intend to destroy to pave the way for a one-world government, while simultaneously keeping inflation in check because the money is not circulating in the general economy via loans (the money is thereby said to be "sterilized").

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